The Lipstick Lineup Mixer Recap

The Lipstick Lineup

Good morning and happy Monday! I hope that you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did! Yesterday was a blast and I am grateful for being in the presence of so many amazing women. If you recall, I mentioned that I would be attending The Lipstick Lineup event on Friday and the great thing about attending is that I won two free tickets! The lovely ladies of Layllah held a contest on Instagram where contestants had to repost The Lipstick Lineup flyer onto their personal Instagram page and share the way(s) that they network. 

I decided to take a shot and participate, not expecting anything. Well, to my surprise I received a notification via Instagram a day later indicating that I’d won! Words can’t describe how excited I was!

The Lipstick Lineup

The event took place inside of  beautiful locale, the Pryor Fine Art Gallery located in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. Refreshments were served and it only added to the beautiful ambience. 

the lipstick lineup

While this event centered around networking, it also featured guest panelists who have their own business and are successful in their own right. In no particular order, the panelists included were Brook Carter of Loyalty Is Vintage/Streets 94.5Leza Bennett of The Perfect BrowsIndia Monae (Celebrity Stylist), Aishah Tatum ( Holistic Life Coach, Motivational Speaker/Author) and Tracey Pickett (Attorney/CEO) of Hairbrella

Leze Bennett of The Perfect Brows and Holistic Coach Aisha Tatum deep in conversation.


There were also different vendors in attendance and I loved how welcoming each business owner was. Some of the vendors that I spoke with were Funky Flair Boutique, Noir Hair Co., Voguish Chic Boutique, Girlfriendz Boutique, All American Girl Hair, Pink Zebra and Arm Candy Crush

Arm Candy Crush
Pink Zebra Candles

Overall this event was definitely worth attending. The panelists were full of knowledge and were personable, which is always a great thing. I made some valuable connections and I cannot wait until the next time The Lipstick Lineup hosts another event! I want to send a special thank you to the ladies of Layllah for their hospitality and for creating a memorable event where women are able to come together in a positive manner. 

Cari Rene of Layllah

Cari Rene

Kay Lynn Hairstylist

Kay Lynn


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