Get to Know Laina Rauma

Laina Rauma

You are in for a treat today as I bring a familiar brand back to share with you. If you have been following me since Nai’s Visions first emerged then you may be aware of a feature that I published involving a talented designer by the name of Laina Rauma.

With a redesigned website and the continual visual of stunning designs, the Laina Rauma brand continues to amaze. Seeing that Nai’s Visions is drawn to creative expression, it was hard to ignore the latest designs of the brand. Since Laina Rauma’s first feature on the blog was primarily geared towards her, I decided to reach out for a second interview in order to get to know the brand better.


What I learned is that Laina is passionate and dedicated to her brand as well as uninterested in being compared to other designers, naturally. Her drive and creative vision are hard to miss with each design being an extension of herself. This brand is the embodiment of femininity and sex appeal with a chic undertone, something that cannot be easily missed.

Below you will find a few of Laina Rauma’s latest designs as well as the interview that does not disappoint:


Nai’s Visions: It is such a pleasure to be able to correspond with you again. Our first interview with you took place June 2013 and we were not only able to learn briefly about the Laina Rauma brand but we were able to get a peek inside of the CEO’s mind. Howhas the Laina Rauma brand evolved since 2013?

Laina Rauma: Hmm.. the brand itself hasn’t changed much. Of course some new styles have been played around with. Different looks introduced as my own, personal style grows and re-gears but it remains quite the same. Sexy, fun, playful, flirty, cheeky.. I’m currently working on introducing a quirky, more masculine contradiction to the brand as that plays a huge part in my personal style.

NV: You stated that your designs are geared towards “confident women who love their bodies.” In the past year, Instagram became a mecca for budding designers to showcase their designs and some of the designs are also geared towards women who happen to love their bodies. What are some of the ways that the Laina Rauma brand sets itself apart from other designers?

LR: I gotta be honest, one of my least favorite questions on the planet is how I am compared to other designers and I think every designer would agree. It’s like asking a woman if she can see how she kinda looks like her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend or something haha.

Laina Rauma

NV: Completely understood! One of my favorite designs is the ‘Paris’ ensemble. I love how this look balances sexy and chic vibes. What was the inspiration, if any, behind this particular look?

LR: Thank you! Honestly, I was just trying to think about what my NYE plans might be and what I would want to wear and I kept picturing a halter top. So when I made the top and tried it on, I just thought of a nice silhouette that would balance the blatant sheer and nipple-ness of the tiny top. I had bought the fabric months prior and then one day, realized what I wanted to make with it.

Laina Rauma

NV: Now that 2015 is upon us, what are some of the short-term and long-term goals of Laina Rauma, if any?

LR: I never share those with anyone but my journal and my vision board. Not that I’m worried about jinxing it, it’s just like, I’d rather show you. 😉

laina rauma
lainra rauma

NV: Has the brand faced challenges since its emergence and, if so, how were said challenges overcome?

LR: Of course. Moving the brand to Los Angeles was a huge challenge. Growth is always a huge challenge. How to keep up is a huge challenge. Not only with demand but with your own creativity. How to balance.. the truth is, it’s ALL a challenge outside of the actual designing. Choosing fabric and designing is the only thing that has come very easily to me. Everything else is a hella lotta work. I’ve overcome many by just keeping my head down, working hard and trusting my gut.

All you can do is all you know, as well as you can, as much as you can, everything else is trust and stubborn delusion haha.

NV: In terms of success, what has been the biggest highlight of the brand?

LR: The fact that I am able to live off of art that I can create with my own two hands is all the success I feel the need to acknowledge. I feel so blessed in that. The fact that girls want to wear my pieces for special events in their life, the ever so special “birthday dress”.. that’s success in my book!

NV: Lastly, as the brand continues to evolve, will it continue to cater to the image of women?

LR: I wish you were here right now so that I could clarify what you mean by ‘the image of women.’ “Cater to the image of women”, I keep saying it over in my head. I absolutely will continue to create things that I, myself want to wear. It will and always has been that and I will always be woman 😉


Being able to not only be aware of your level of creativity but to pursue a career inspired by it is a truly remarkable thing, just ask Laina. Coming across others who have an idea of who they are and seeing how that translates into their work will ALWAYS be inspiring in itself. Her perception reminds me to stay focused on the art of being creative and the vision(s) that may be associated with being a creative person. I know that pursuing your dreams can seem frustrating at times but I’d like to share something stated by Laina with you: 

“Do it for one reason and one reason, only. Because you love it. Because nobody will be there to get you out of bed at 4am and nobody will tell you to keep going. You have to feel it in your whole body and soul and waaaant to do it or it just won’t work. It’s not easy. You have to feel like, in your heart, there’s no other choice.”

I hope that you are able to take something positive away from today’s feature and if you are interested in keeping up with Laina Rauma + her work, then be sure to follow her social media links below:

Website: Laina Rauma

Instagram: lainarauma

Twitter: @LainaRauma


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